oh my fucking GOD!! how could you get some many great ppl and still suck this much!! It's not even funny anymore! it's not like jackass funny, it's NOT funny AT ALL! I can do dirty jokes but call me a hypocrite, i just don't see how balls on face n shit on your gf is funny.
从birthday到wedding day的一季 Madison说I cannot marry someone who is not in love with me的时候我又再一次想到了:对于我这一代人来说最早接触到的爱情叙事是琼瑶、金庸还有很多的台湾偶像剧里面的女性常常处于被动常常是一个弱者free movies性日本这种感觉在很多年来一直影响着我的爱情观但看了越来越多的美剧和日剧好像才明白女性在爱情中不止有一个角色爱情里面的人应该是平等的、相爱的 We all deserve being loved. We all deserve dignity, respect, and happiness.